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We understand your needs

We come from the industry, so we know what matters..

That is why we focus on what provides actual value to our customers, asuring the quality of the results.

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We have experience

Our team has an extensive experience in various sectors, with proven technical competence.

We combine ideas, knowledge and technologies to bring a project to success.


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We integrate technologies

We combine the right technologies in every project, controlling the connections between the modules.

We make integral solutions joining the digital and analog worlds.

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We work in a net

We are connected to a rich network of partners with highly specialized expertise.

As a result we can offer you the best comprehensive solution on highly complex projects.


The team is made up of qualified professionals and led by two people with an extensive experience in the industry:

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Martí Guilera

Technical Director, Partner & Founder Mequonic

Ing. Telecomunicaciones (UPC)

Head of Electronic Eng. Manusa (2004-2013)

Electronic Eng. Manusa (1999-2004)

Miguel Pérez

Managing Director, Parner & Founder Mequonic

Dott. Ing. Meccanica (Polimi), Ing. Industrial (UPM)

Technical and R&D Director Manusa (2009-2013)

Techical Director Simon Connect (2005-2008)

Head of Mech. Eng. Knorr-Bremse Spain (1998-2005)


We work with a robust and proven methodology


Our methodology in management of new product development projects is based on the Lean philosophy, but combined with our own experience summirized in five fundamental principles:


Think first, then act

Requirements definition is crucial for the success of the project.  Time well spent at the beginning will speed up the following phases.

Identify the key points

Every project have fundamental phases and transitions. By identifying them from the beginning we are prepared to develop the project successfully.

Divide to win

Modularize the project in an intelligent way, parallelizing everything possible and sequencing when necessary.

Long term thinking, short term acting

Never lose the final objective of the project to to make the right operational decisions at all times.

Innovation in the center

Innovation is not just about generating ideas early in the process, it must support all phases to bring value to the results.


We adapt to your needs


We offer our collaboration and services which have four main features:



We know that things change and projects too. If your priorities change, we adapt to it.

Divided in Milestones

We do not require a long-term commitment. We split each project into different phases, at the end of which we review your satisfaction before going on.


Your success is our success, therefore we share our expertise with you openly. We establish trust relationships.

Integrated into your organización

We integrate into your processes and we adapt to your corporate culture.